Today is the future that a lot of people in the past could barely imagine. Computers smaller and more powerful than the first supercomputer made in 1960 now exist in the palm of our hands. You are most likely reading this on such a device at this very moment. And yet science — and time — both continue to march forward in order to innovate and create even better technology. That now is what brings us to our topic — which can better aid your company as you take it to the next level? With technology constantly in flux and evolving, what can be the right investment for you when it comes to your IT infrastructure? We would like to offer you our own take on the matter — unabashed.

Where are we now on Data Access & Security?

The Cloud as a multi-function platform is most definitely here to stay. There are too many benefits to storing data, running applications, and even building infrastructures on a whole host of network servers that give unparalleled access to information on different devices at any given time. On the other hand, On-Premise set-ups have also grown according to the available technology. Given the very nature of the framework, On-Premise still boasts the most options for securing and controlling the flow of data.

If you pick the Cloud, as your main platform for your business, you can definitely take advantage of its easy access by equipping your team with mobile applications to work with. The downside to that, however, is that there is a limit to the level of security and controls that you can place on data being shared on the Cloud. It’s possible that you’ll end up losing data via the same channels and nobody will notice until it’s too late.

On-Premise’s strength is also its weakness. Yes, you can protect classified information more securely given the flexibility and customization options currently in the market but instead, you sacrifice speed of access. Businesses have always been reliant on up-to-date information in order to react. The service industry is rife with new technology just to be able to satisfy the needs of on-site inventory management, delivery management, and customer complaints. Even banking has gone mobile.

Depending on how you want your business to operate, either of the two or a hybrid combination can yield good results. Hilsoft can help you draft up a way to maximize the service you think is best for your company.

Considerations for Regulations, Licenses, and Security?

Different industry sectors, markets, and countries have different regulatory needs. Businesses often need to handle and store sensitive data from either their clients or from their own affairs. On-Site Premise has better means for handling sensitive data as it can be stored in private data centers. The license cost is only paid for once and often considered perpetual. There is offline support should anything go awry. But the hardware, and infrastructure has to be continuously maintained over time to ensure the effectivity of the data’s integrity and safety Hilsoft can help you deal with the regulatory requirements for the services affected here in the Philippines.

The Cloud being networked to other servers and being handled by a third-party are all difficult hurdles to overcome for developing security measures. But if you can strategize on the kind of information that you want to flow freely, you can surely build an efficient and versatile channel for your company and your possible clients. Hilsoft can also help you in that department.

On Connection Integrity

In both cases — latency can be an issue. But that’s normally out of your hands and instead relies on the provider that you pick. For On-Premise, you can manage and control them easily through the private data centers and WAN connections. For Cloud, not so much. If you need to access data that requires low and predictable latency times it’s much better if you opt for a network that you control from end-to-end.


Some final thoughts on the matter. If you wish to compare them directly in terms of costs — the Cloud is cheaper in terms of total cost of ownership. You can even cost it as an Operational Expenditure. If you wish to compare them on adaptability — On-Premise wins hands down. And that’s mostly because you can react to new developments by equipping yourself with new technology that hits the market.

Both of them have their pros and cons. But it’s quite clear that their benefits will only matter when the user has decided on what they want to do with it. There’s no real way to discern at this point if relying on only one of the two is enough to futureproof your company’s operations. The only real way to predict the outcome of the future is — to be the one to make it yourself. We can be your partner in that. Our experience and expertise together with your vision, can lead to a strong a partnership rooted in the coming future

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